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신종섭 안드레아신부님 추모영상-사랑과 영혼


by 강병규 2013. 6. 11. 19:24


6월 3일

Jun 2, 2013 9:31am


Open your ejes and see your Lord, He is opening your arms with the greatest love.
You served up peopel in a place far faraway from your land, and you won a lot good feelings from your herd, now in San Miguel Escobar your steps will follow.
Rest in Peace Dear Priest Andres Chin.
Tears on my face I say Good Bye, as you said I see you in the heaven.


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<아래 영상은 PC화면을 폰으로 찍은 것입니다. 아쉬운대로 폰으로나마 신부님의 생전 모습과 음성을 대할 수 있는 수준의 화질입니다 ^^!>

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